There is but only latent light and apparent light. You begin to see the visage of an overarching benevolent hand driving all of existence as you complete the circuit of grace in your perceived consciousness. A byproduct of do so is that latent light too will transform into the vibrancy of the revealed light. This is because that which of obscures sustains off the latent light. As the latent light is set alight through the clarity of grace, it grows too bright and transparent for that which obscures to cleave to it without itself becoming forever transformed into an expression of greater light.
Your soul’s sovereignty is secure as you embrace
a cohesive unity. This is because within a cohesive singularity there can be no
suffering, imbalance or disparity. A unity grows and grows as greater conduit
for its own viability. Susceptibility to shifts from a united field of
consciousness stems from a partiality to aspects of the revealed benevolent
light, and innate bias to the unrevealed latent light. It is torque that is
attracted by the aspects of creation that you have not yet consciously reconciled
in harmony with. These visit you as “difficulties” to reveal the blockages of
your soul, so that you may mitigate these to better network with the fullness
of your soul’s light.
Here is a powerful technique for expanded soul
consciousness and enhanced connectivity to the light. Start to embrace your
soul's journey as constituting a "narrative for actualizing oneness".
Abstractly, this means that you can see that your consciousness was once more
crude and through the momentum of the future your soul consciousness becomes
increasingly more refined.
This refining from of soul consciousness from
past to the future is akin to a rolling pebble. That pebble may start out rough
and jagged, but the more it rolls, the rounder and smoother it gets. And the
smoother and rounder that pebble gets, the more fit it will be to roll down a
single track without rocking or jumping off. When that pebble is perfectly
smooth and round it will fit seamlessly in it's intended slot and will
effortlessly roll unimpeded. Your soul’s lens of consciousness became course
because of your perceived separation from the totality of all that you are as a
reflection of the divinity within all things. Your worldly journey drives you
closer and closer to a sustained consciousness of witnessing the hidden
divinity within all things that you witness. Everything that happens to you is send
by a benevolent hand to help polish your soul’s lens of perception clearer and
clearer. Embracing this narrative will help you reconcile all that transpires
within a unified grace.
Eternity, like infinity, is a "plural
singularity". If you wish for your consciousness to enter through the door
of Eternal considerations then the unified creative expressions on the other
side of that door must be able to flow out freely as it is opened. To do so,
you must conform your lens of perception with the key of "unity", as
unity too is a singular.
Although your diverse worldly experiences pull at your
consciousness with competing momentum that drive for prominence; you can harmonize them into a cohesive unity by award all that you perceive with roles that help
propel that a "singular actualizing narrative" of unified advancement.
This works precisely because eternity echoes of oneness, and the door is best
unsealed by a consciousness that is harmonized in oneness.
You will find that by practicing this
discipline your perspective on time and personal challenges will shift profoundly.
You will begin to witness that all that happens to you is not random, but part
of that greater more intimate narrative. All that you find agreeable is
attracting you closer to the pathway of your soul's destiny, and all that you
find disagreeable is evicting you from its direction, back on the same course.
The hardships and dissonance are akin to a pinball machine flipper that knocks
the ball sharply into the targeted hole. What is disagreeable to your soul is
working with you, propelling you away on cue to guide your journey away from
the creative expressions that are a distraction from the song of your soul and
its unique mandate. Practicing the "Singular Narrative" technique
will allow you to experience free of any need for struggle, fatigue and agenda because
all of creation is participating in helping you reach a unified state of soul
You master journeying forward by embracing the
lessons of "without" as pushing you to develop further "within",
and the lessons of "within" as filling you with greater intimacy to
connect with all that is eternal. Increasingly, you witness all of creation as
conspiring to help you expand your perceptions so that the love of your soul
can better flow outwardly throughout. This is the foundation for a profound
shift of perspective. Instead of struggling with challenges and impediments,
every waking opportunity becomes a stage for a romantic engagement with the
love of your own soul; the parts of the Eternal that approach foreignly, but
echo evermore familiar within.
Your heart will have found grace. Your
perceptions will grow increasingly aligned. You will find that you are able to
sustain this momentum regardless of what transpires because you recognize from
"without" and revel more so "within". You will perceive
"reality" within the perspective of a singular narrative of your
soul's ascent because it is serves as a cohesive "key". Your soul
will soar and swim effortlessly with the eternal flow from which it was hewn.
It is a key of unity that is fit for unlocking the polarizing veil of
linearity. With it you can release
the eternal flow to convert all that you perceive into an illuminated
expression of benevolence. This is the awareness from which all commenced from
and all is returning back to.
This technique will allow your spirit to journey without the
"highs" and "lows". It will gradually negate a
co-dependency for lessons deduced from "drama". You will accept the
light of your soul's love just as it simply is. You will be free to cultivate a
consciousness that plows ahead seeding your field of perception with perpetual
benevolence. Before long, you will discover that the road of our journey has
contracted, and you have illuminated the "short path", the called “intimacy”
that will render suffering obsolete.
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