Monday, September 8, 2008


Greetings dear Ones,

We are "Jacob" from the light behind the veil. 

Open your hearts to us, and we will share the beacon of our everlasting love.

Know, the path will be paved with truth, love and compassion to All There Is.

The passion and light we share with you today is alive and Eternal.

You must stand steady and pour out your fiery love, for it will not subside, and will breakdown the walls of death and decay.

The wellspring of the Eternal pours through the pure of heart and this power of yearning love will burn away the grief, and cleans one's Holy of Holies.

This is our gift... "children of the sun"... go forth and set the world ablaze with love and forgiveness.

We are "Jacob", and so it is.

Mon, 8 September 2008 / 8th of Elul, 5768 

Message from "Jacob": True Mastery

"If you want to become the master and not the slave of your environment, you must master addressing All through a prism of love and compassion. 

And when you do so, you will no longer direct the Almighty how he must direct his love and compassion. 

Instead, you will be steadfast in your love and compassion and remain safe in the knowledge that the Almighty does All with the greatest care and concern; you will then graduate to the level of "nasseh v'nishmah" ("we will do... and then we will listen") that warranted your ancestors prophecy through altruistic love. And when they were in a state of grace, they had no need to ask how, for that only repelled the dimension of bountiful opportunity from manifesting on the earthy realm. 

Instead, they simply love, and All will remedy All."

Mon, 8 September 2008 / 8th of Elul, 5768